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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Whistle and The Horse Comes Running

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Whistle and The Horse Comes Running

That time again for the farrier to come over and do my geldings feet.

I have only had one person do my gelding feet his whole life. My gelding does not hate this process, in fact he gets loads of attention!

I thought when I got my young stud colt the best thing I could do for him and me, is teach him when he hears my whistle to come.

I got to admit, he was a fast learner! This whistling has kept him out of trouble when he got loose back in the day as well.

He went through the fence a couple times. Someone was mad at me and left a gate open another time. No worries though, all I have to do is whistle.

My gelding has been with me so long now that I doubt he even remembers his old life?

I caught him with my camera as I whistled. My gelding has taught the mare to come running too!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

White Holiday Cactus

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

White Holiday Cactus

I have three of these blooming at the moment. This is the white one.

This plant has been so abused! It is three years old now, maybe four years old now? I had it in another part of the house, thus being abused.

I moved it into the plant room, started caring for it properly and wallah, it has shown me appreciation by flowering.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

African Violets mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

African Violets

Couple shots of a couple of my African violets.
I took these last night.
Many people know that I have quite a few plants, quite a few flower, while others are just green foliage.
I have a African violet garden going on which consist of 9 plants or so.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Horses Playing mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Horses Playing

I thought it would be a good day to go out to the horses playing.
I did not know it was going to pour door rain on me! BUT seeing this is when my gelding loves to play......
His white is really white when he is not playing in the mud! Our mare is not as thrilled when it rains , but my gelding gets her going too. I do not make it a habit to play with my horses, they are bigger than me and accidents happen. I stand off to the side as they play. Rule is no acting up when I am standing around them.
This is mostly my gelding for he is just a card when it is cool, wet and rainy.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Prairie Falcon Looking Proud

Prairie Falcon Looking Proud. This is one of a family of Prairie Falcons that are nesting not far from where we live back in July 2010.

We were checking out the national grass lands when one of these falcons caught our eye.

I believe the first one was the male. Just the way "he" was acting. He took off flying and we followed in the truck. The falcon lead us to two more falcons.

I got out of the truck, and knowing this is national , government land hiked to where these birds were very loudly expressing concern that attention was being brought to them.

After the male had landed on top of the tree, looking to the right was another adult, to the left only because of the behavior it was exhibiting, this was the offspring.

The adults finally flew off, but this offspring staid put. I kept far enough away not to cause to much stress to the big fellow. Though I did get right underneath the tree in which it was perched for some of these shots.

As I looked back at the truck and Guy I had noticed he got out. I am positive Guy gets rather bored sitting in the truck, though he also knows better than to come to where I was. He is my eyes, ears everything when I am doing my thing. Never know what is around and I am not paying attention.

The adults yelled at me, they swooped like they were going to tag me. They did not want me there, but I was really not there to hurt their offspring.

The offspring really , as you can see did not think nothing of me. I got some nice close ups. The eyes tell a lot about any living creature. Birds do pant, you know like a dog. They also look scared. They move, they cry, they are just antsy. This offspring showed no signs of being scared of me. It has not learned yet that humans were something to be scared of.

I do thank the male for bringing us to the others. Animals do communicate, we just need to learn their language. The adults were trying hard to get me away from the young. Screaming at me and just making a racket. If a human I can just imagine what the mate was saying to the other for bringing us directly to the offspring HAHA

The male landed into a tree left of this one. I felt good about the photographs I got of the offspring, so pointed in the direction of the male. The female seeing I was paying attention to the male in the tree swooped down to where the offspring was comfortable where it was perched at, and though I did not personally see it, Guy did.

She made the offspring fly. The three photographs of one of these flying is the offspring. I just had to turn around to capture the offspring flying and I did.

The bird of prey are pretty smart birds. It did not take a wildlife genius to see that the adults were working together as a team, against me!

The offspring appeared to be quite content perched where it was and allowing me all the photographs I wanted. The adults being older and wiser new that humans are not to be trusted. This is the way wildlife needs to be to survive. Many people use falcons as pets or they use them for their own purposes somehow.

I wonder how many are captured from the wild? How many offspring are taken from the adults? Put a hood on the offspring's head, and a leash on a foot, put into a cage for the rest of it's life?? Never to be free again??

I only picked out 10 photographs for this.

I have one on ebay right now, and more at my store as I get my store stocked.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Old Homestead, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Old Homestead, Oregon

I take a lot of photographs, with this said I do not ever think I posted about this old homestead?

Here in our part of the world, to get to anywhere we choose to take the back roads.

I have this photo on ebay right now!

We can take the more traveled roads, but this takes all the fun out of going on a road trip!

We were heading up to Washington, which really is not that far away drive and I like to look around, period!

On our way home we both seen this old homestead I think at the same time!

Since we both have a thing about going onto private property, which this obviously was, neither one of us wanted to trespass. Though both of us would really like to get onto this property!!

This is right up our alley! With both of us loving old western buildings and things.The barn does look as if it is still in use.

The boys were with us and my boys know for fact that this is just a part of life. That is stopping at places, or pulling off on the side of the road because mom saw something I just have to go photograph. Of course they get to hear what Guy or I know about such things as well. I guess some could call this their education haha! My boys have gotten to see many things. Even though they may not want too.

On this day , as we headed out of Madras where I just had to get a coffee on the road trip haha, we were out on the hwy where a large ranch is located (I can not recall the name at this moment).

I was bummed out for a cowboy (yes we really have them here), was moving horses. I wanted and requested that we stop immediately. Well I did not get my way, being on a busy road and such. I admit, I pouted for a little bit!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oregon Western Meadowlark

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Oregon Western Meadowlark

I was tickled to finally get this meadowlark sitting still long enough for a photograph to be taken.

These birds are quick, and around here are not all that trusting of people. They usually take off as soon as attention has been brought to which ever one I happen to see.

In 1927 Oregon governor I. L. Patterson (with the help of Oregon school children sponsored by the Oregon Audubon Society), declared a proclamation that the Western Meadowlark to be the state bird. Though the information I have says no legislative action was taken. This makes me wonder as to why the state would add that to the information to this page about this bird? MMMMMM

Hear the Oregon Western Meadowlarks beautiful song here

More photographs of this bird at the link at the top of page.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Peeking Out From A Tree mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

To see what he can see.
This mule deer buck really was curious as to what I was doing and he liked the tree in which he was using for security!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bald Eagle In The Marsh

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Bald Eagle In The Marsh

This Bald Eagle I caught in a marsh.
I walked through the ice and brush to get these photographs.
I got pretty close to him, or I think it is a male?
I really hope this Bald Eagle sticks around when all the visitors start coming back, though not holding my breath. To many people and the eagles tend to leave to another spot without so many people around.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lopsided One Antler Buck

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Lopsided One Antler Buck

It is that time of the year again.

The bucks are loosing their antlers. This buck looks rather funny doesn't he with only one antler?

It has to be uncomfortable to run and such with the wight on one side!

Running Icy Creek On New Years Day

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Running Icy Creek On New Years Day

When we left the house the temperature was in the teens, 14 or so.

We headed to the creek to let the dogs out to play for a short time. It was really to cold out to let the dogs out of the warm truck for to long.

These are some of the shots I got of the icy creek, It was really to cold to hold the camera still.

I am a wimp when it comes to the cold!

It did reach 25 degrees today in the sunshine!!

Wrinkles Are Us

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Wrinkles Are Us

Wrinkles Are Us. Our English mastiffs getting a drink from the creek while on a trail hiking. Our English Mastiffs are wet mouths, so dog drool in places one would never, ever expect dog drool to be hahahahaha

These were taken back in June of 2010. A older post I thought I would bring back alive.

Graphic Red Tailed Hawk Eating

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Graphic Red Tailed Hawk Eating

Nature can be not so nice.

Animals have to eat, this is just the way it is. Birds of prey are a favorite of mine to capture with my camera. I like to get them hunting and when I get a chance, to get them eating.

I chose only ten photographs to show, from when I first seen this red tailed hawk eating, to when he flew off. It was not easy to pick out only ten photographs!!

He/she even gave me the evil eye a time or two!

When Guy asked me if I wanted to go somewhere I was up and getting ready!

In The Christmas Morning Fog 2010

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

In The Christmas Morning Fog 2010

Do you see them?

The canyon with the water in it creates this weather for us.

Some days only in the morning, some days it can last all day, and sometimes it can last longer then that!

This is what we saw as we were heading to better weather yesterday, which was Christmas morning 2010.

Mule deer in the early morning fog.

Northern Harrier Bird Of Prey

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Northern Harrier Bird Of Prey

I am very pleased to get these shots of this Northern Harrier.

I got these a couple hours ago down the road where we have seen this bird and another or so in a pasture.

These birds have been seen on private land and I do not trespass so when this opportunity arose today, while this Northern Harrier was not on the private land I took it!

While doing my research on this bird I came to realize why this bird of prey had a problem being still for me. Blending in is what I try to do with the environment, but being quiet is another story. This bird realize on hearing as much as sight when hunting. This bird was hearing me coming!

The male and female of the species look very different I found out as well. This Harrier is the male of the species.

I thought this Northern Harrier was on some prey, however after looking over the photographs it appears to be on some grasses.

Here are the photographs.

Winter Life, Fighting Over Prey

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Winter Life, Fighting Over Prey

I pay a lot of attention to Ravens. Some of my best photographs came to be because of the ravens.

Ravens are really just a big crow. They are a very intelligent bird, which I guess some can argue with. They work as a team. As a family unit and are very bold creature. More than one raven is called "An unkindness of ravens", I can see why because wow can they drive off the biggest of creatures! There are ten species of the Raven with two more that are said to be extinct.

The Magpie appears to be tolerated by the Raven, though they too are finally ran off by the bigger Raven. The Magpie we have here are very smart birds, though I really do not "listen" to them as I do the Raven. After seeing the all the Ravens in a small clearing it did not take Guy long to stop the truck and off I went into the brush.

Guy seen a little of what the Ravens were doing, this was running off the eagles. There were two eagles. One was a big Golden Eagle, the other was a young smaller Bald Eagle.

Many of these two species of eagles are showing up together these days. I have not noticed this in years past, but this year WOW has this been obvious!

The Golden Eagle standing on the prey is the first thing we noticed after the Ravens. The prey I could not identify. Did I want to identify it, not really!! It was white and it appeared to have died some time ago. One thing people do not understand about Eagles, the Golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle is, they will take a meal whether they themselves hunted it down, or if it died by some other means. Eagles will do their best to steal prey as well. The species of eagles are opportunists. They can be scavengers.

The Raven were doing the best they could to run off the Eagles, but the Golden Eagle was having no part of being ran off by Ravens! The young Bald Eagle was trying to grab some of the meal when I was getting close, but took off up into a tree to watch.

These are the photographs of this event.

Snowy Mule Deer

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Snowy Mule Deer

Some days the Mule Deer show themselves, while other days they do not.

Saturday was a day to show themselves, and it just happened to be a snowy day here in the high desert.

The buck was funny, he did hide his head, or tried the best he could at first. After some time of just watching him, snapping some photographs he must of figured I was ok and not there to hurt him for he came out in the open long enough for me to get quite a few shots, adjusting my lens as I went. With his breath seen and the one antler looking like it does.... he is unique looking!

The does and the older fawn stopped long enough for me to snap some photographs as well.

For those new to Mule Deer. The Mule Deer are very big deer. They are called Mule Deer due to their very large ears.

Pair Of Bald Eagles

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Pair Of Bald Eagles

This pair of Bald Eagles have been hanging around one of the lakes here for a couple weeks now.

Saturday we had snow again, which is not a huge surprise.

We took off in it and thought it was not a good idea to go down into the canyon so we headed in the direction of this lake.

This pair of Bald Eagles we both agreed they must of came down from the Cascade Mountains for the better fishing and all around prey on what I call the flats. Not sure what others around here call this area. I call it the flats for one can actually walk it.

I trekked out into the snow to capture these photographs.

The one that is on the left is keeping it's eyes on me, that one seams to be the dominant Bald Eagle and the first to fly. The other followed.

Winter Lake Billy Chinook Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Winter Lake Billy Chinook Oregon

Many people come here in good weather to camp, boat, fish on and on.

Many people do not get to see what we get to see in the winter.

We chose where we wanted to go, and headed out. We were told of some snow but the weather channel is not real pacific here. A little snow mixed in with rain. Ok whatever what is new??

Than we got down into the canyon..... Saturday it just dumped on us! Snow is no big deal, it is the black ice we worry about!!

I took most of these photographs from the truck since stopping was not going to happen.

When Time Sits Still

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

When Time Sits Still

When time sits still

When time sits still you can hear every movement of every snow drop

When time sits still you can feel the cool air enter and leave your lungs

When time sits still you can hear the sunrise

When time sits still you know the answer to "if a tree falls"

When time sits still you are as one with nature

When time sits still you know you are the only human

When time sits still you know you are on your own

When time sits still

Oregon Tundra Swan

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Oregon Tundra Swan

We went down to a boat ramp parking area, which was empty due to the snow and just the weather conditions I am sure. Started hiking down to the cold canyon water in the snow.

The dogs and I were first on the little, slippery, snow covered path.

I heard the loudest splash and first thing I thought was the dogs jumped in the icy water! Why would they? They are dogs!

Mule Deer Doe and Buck On A Snowy Day

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Mule Deer Doe and Buck On A Snowy Day

One thing about wildlife, they still have to get out in the weather and do their thing.

Saturday we got snowed on.

Wildlife was still doing their thing. Here are some of the mule deer photographs.

Now the buck did not run, but he did not think it wise to stick around either.

I am very happy that my canon camera has a nice body for this extreme weather!! My poor camera!! It gets rained on, snowed on, than we have the other extremes of high, dry temperatures here in the high desert.

Flight Of A Golden Eagle On A Snowy Day

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Flight Of A Golden Eagle On A Snowy Day

I took this Saturday when the snow was coming down in our part of Central Oregon.
The canyon was rather entertaining while snowing and we were afraid of black ice, however we got fortunate and got out of the canyon before any black ice was hit.
This is a Golden Eagle I captured on a snowy tree.

Central Oregon Sunrise

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Central Oregon Sunrise

Been pretty busy the last couple of days, today has been no different.

Guy said lets go! So I was ready in no time and out the door we went.

We went to watch the sunrise this morning. I caught Guy leaning on one of the fence posts.

Elk Herd In The Early Morning ~ Central Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Elk Herd In The Early Morning ~ Central Oregon

First thing we seen last Saturday is this herd of Elk.
They were pretty close to our little town! They were laying down in this farmers field. But when they noticed someone giving them attention they started getting up and getting nervous.
The morning was very nasty weather wise. Snow was falling, it was foggy and I really did not want to see the elk running in this weather.
These all look like bulls. These elk we have here are very..... shy? Paranoid? In the field they had nothing to hide behind.

Grey Heron Bird Haystack Reservoir

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

Grey Heron Bird Haystack Reservoir

We have several of these herons around this part of central Oregon.
I would of thought they would leave when the snow started falling, but this bird proved me wrong!
It was foggy, it was cold and it was snowing Sunday! But here this bird was!

Let It Snow

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

This cold snap came in and here are some of the photographs of the ice covered vegetation and on top of the ice is the snow.
You can see which way the wind blew at the freezing point.
Ya, it was cold Sunday when we were out and about!
The wildlife still needs to eat, they still need to hunt, and they still need to be outside doing their thing.
No matter what the weather is like.

Winter Time Robbin Birds on The Juniper Trees

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

We have snow, no big surprise seeing what time of the year it is.
Stopping off at the horse camp the Robbins came over for their photographs to be taken.
They made their presents known by coming right to the tree that was nearest me.
There is two sets of photographs.
This first set, this robbin was very funny!! Appeared to want me to see him/her feed on the juniper berries.This second set is of two birds who it appears had a nest in the tree. Though I am not sure about that one?? The one went deep inside the tree, than came back out and did this several times.

Mule Deer Over Looking The Canyon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

This mule deer was caught with the canyon in the back ground.
It is amazing how sure footed these creatures are within the canyon!

Wild Golden Eagle

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

I like birds, always have. You will find I have many shots of birds of all kinds.
This golden eagle was a character. First sighting of a golden eagle in the canyon for the both of us here.
I noticed the tree he was perched in just did not look right. We were coming up out of the canyon where we were watching the Bald Eagles fish.
This golden eagle did come out of no where to check us and the dogs out. Of course my camera was set up for the bald eagles..... This golden eagle really did startle us!
This is the first photograph I got of him,
Guy got the dogs into the truck so they would not follow me and I got this
This golden eagle was so comfortable with me there taking his photograph Guy thought he would come closer as well. Well, sorry to say this is when the eagle noticed him. See his posture stiffening up?
It has been my experience with these wild birds, specially the birds of prey that once they take this stance..... they are going take off flying. Now one thing that happens a lot is when the bird of prey takes off they try hard to get behind something. The tree they are perching on, or the telephone pole or something they try to hide behind. Not all the time is there anything to hide behind in our part of Oregon. This behavior I am to the point I am just waiting for it to happen.
The Golden Eagle was no different. At this point it would have done me no good to ask Guy to get back. The eagle had made up it's mind. I was fine, but for some reason Guy was not? This to me was interesting. I do not know how much closer I could have gotten to this Golden Eagle before he took off?? We will never know. But this is ok in my book for there will always be more eagles, more hawk more birds of prey.
So here are the shots of the Golden Eagle flying off at the link above.

Mountain Chickadee Found Here In Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

I found this Mountain Chickadee watching the horses and I from one of the trees.
Several chickadee species are out, this one has the stripes.
They eat bugs and seeds and I find they are often with other birds.
Cute little guys!!
If you would like to hear what this bird sounds like there is a great voice capture at the " allaboutbirds.org " site.

The Motion Of A Cat Running

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

I observe things. I caught one of the barn cats running off from me and the horses yesterday.
The domestic cat , like other cat species, is very graceful. Very agile.
I feel only in still photography can one really see just how graceful and agile they truly are!!

Bald Eagle Fishing, Oregon

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon More photographs at link.

We watched the Bald Eagles fishing for a while.
I understand I need a better tele lens than what I have now for such things as this. It will come.
I started out from the truck on the road. Looking down into the canyon I was not sure if I wanted to climb down but found myself doing it!!
Guy parked the truck basically just on the dirt road. Over to the side the best he could just so if people were around they could get by it. No where to park!
Soon Guy and the dogs were coming too, the dogs found me first of course!
We all made our way down into the canyon to the water.
Not only were the Bald Eagles fishing, other birds were as well.
Their were two adult Bald Eagles and a younger Bald Eagle. The younger one kept trying to take the older ones fish! Big fights ensued. If I did have have this stupid tree in my way!! So we moved locations so the tree would no longer be in my way, though we were in full sight of the eagles as well. So the young Bald Eagle took off out of sight.
It did appear that the Bald Eagles were curious as to what we were, and why we were there! They checked us out several times. Than the ducks, and other wildlife left. All three Bald Eagles took off to the other side of the canyon and that was that. To my understanding that side of the canyon belongs to the Warm Spring Indian Reservation, though I could be wrong. The older adults perched in the same tree, while the younger one went into a tree where he could hide from our view. We seen some of his white, but he was not to secure as the older ones were about us seeing him! It was pretty obvious that this younger Bald Eagle was not comfortable around people, or what the eagle did not understand.
Here are several photographs of one of the older Bald Eagles fishing.

The Flight Of The Double-Crested Cormorant

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

These double crested cormorant are rather common here in our canyon.
Here we have one taking off on this very cold, cloudy Saturday.
I wanted to show the trail this bird left as it takes off. I was on one of the bridges as this bird was taking off in flight.
The photo at the end is a cormorant I caught flying low where the bald eagles were fishing.

    A Conflict Between Eagles

    mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

    Our day yesterday was a lot of fun!

    The weather was ok , the highs in the 40's the lows in the 20's. According to our trucks outside weather gauge.

    It rained, it hailed and it snowed. So you can imagine blue skies were hard to find.

    Wildlife was not hard to find, like most days. They still need to eat regardless of the weather.

    We climbed down into the canyon to watch three bald eagles fish and do what they do. We climbed out back onto the road and seen a golden eagle in a tree. He took off as we watched him go further up into the canyon another pair of bald eagle came out of no where and started attacking the golden eagle in mid flight. It is said the Bald Eagle soars at 35–43 mph. We watched this and got in the truck to go where the action was. We seen the bald eagles attacking for a little bit when the golden eagle went up high, and started attacking the bald eagles one at a time!

    I read where the Eurasian subspecies of the Golden Eagle has been used to hunt wolves! They are very revered in some cultures. The Golden eagle can weigh as much as fiteen pounds. Wild and domesticated cats have been a recorded food source for the Golden Eagle as well as full grown roe deer, and I read even mountain goats.

    The golden eagles are the biggest eagles we have in North America, the Bald eagle being the second. The point is though, the Bald Eagle is second. If the Golden Eagle had a mate around I doubt the Bald Eagles would have attacked like they did.This Golden eagle I captured with the camera appears to me as if a young Golden Eagle.... Just the way it's feathers looked. Though I am no expert!!

    We can only assume the three Bald Eagles we seen fishing were a pair and possibly a baby of theirs?? Or just one loner in the pairs territory? There is a large Bald Eagle in the area and we were hoping to see her, though we did not this day.

    In 2007 the Bald Eagle was taken off the endangered list. Their numbers are on the rise. No doubt do to the chemicals not being used as much as they once were? The largest density of mating Golden Eagles in the world is in California. I have personally seen and photographed many here in Oregon. We have both noticed a rise in many of the birds of prey here in Oregon.

    The young Bald Eagle has spekles of brown in it's white feathers as long as five years. See I only thought it was two years! Three years is very rare while four years is rare but not as much. Therefor with this information the attacking Bald Eagles were a young pair. The one of the three Bald Eagles had brown as well, but the two Bald Eagles which were fishing together were pure white.

    The Golden Eagle also reaches maturity at five years. The young Golden Eagle changes looks with every malting. The older Golden Eagles just have a look to them of being wiser and not being caught in someone elses territory. Though I have photographed a pair of grown Golden Eagles that were ran off by an unkindness of ravens.

    Bald Eagles in the wild can live up to 30 years. Seeing the Bald Eagles diet consists of a lot of fish we usually see them in the canyon, though Golden eagle we see them more in the open prairies. I personally do not remember seeing a Golden Eagle down in the canyon near the water like we did. Maybe the Bald Eagles attacking like they were is a reason for this? We have seen Bald Eagle in areas of the Golden Eagles though. See the Bald eagle as well as the Golden Eagle can be scavengers this could be why we seen both species of eagle collecting on the desert floor?

    Both species of eagles like to be in unpopulated areas of human. I have yet to see the Golden Eagle around people, though I have photographed the large Bald Eagle as well as the young Bald Eagle (it is the one I photographed with a lot of brown in its white), while it was full tourist season here. Though both the Golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle I can say comfortably I have gotten within 20 feet, Guy says 15, but ?? So they do not mind in some instances if a peson gets closer.

    Now the caged, tamed eagles are a whole different ball of wax! I do not do caged, or tamed wildlife so I really do not have experience with these. I understand their are places where such wildlife collect for survival purposes and I really have yet to visit one of these places.

    My photography is of species we have here in my home state of Oregon. I observe, and share what I have seen. This site of the conflict between the Bald Eagles and the Golden Eagle was something to see!! I climbed the canyon where we seen the eagles resting, and/or waiting until the intruder which was the Golden Eagle in this surcomstance was ran off. The Golden Eagle stayed the longest. The Bald Eagle with the blue sky in the photograph was the first to leave. Than the Bald Eagle in the tree with the Golden Eagle left, and only when I lost my balance and made to much noise did the Golden Eagle leave. All the eagles new I was there, new I was doing something that was not harming them. Because of my limitations (and I say that tongue in cheek, because I do not feel my disabilities are limitations per say), I naturally move slow. The wildlife do not know how to react to a slow moving human.

    American Kestrel Or Sparrow Hawk

    mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

    It was nice to get out of the house!

    I do not know about other places, but here this species of falcon are not real..... they take off as soon as attention is directed at them.

    In other words I have tried to get some shots of the sparrow hawk and finally I did.

    This American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America. Used in falconry so they must be pretty smart!

    I think they are pretty little birds!

    Eating grasshoppers, other small birds, and rodents so they are good to have around. Oh I believe they eat the lizards we have here too.

    It looks like we are in for more bad weather here in central oregon but the wildlife need to eat and I was happy we seen what we did on our short drive.

    mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

    mrsroadrunner A Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Oregon

    The border Canary is a common canary found in many homes.

    I am pleased to now own a pair of these canaries, or do they own me??

    Their song is just delightful!!

    Here are photographs of the male, which is brighter yellow, and his female. They both sing their little hearts out!!