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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sahalie Falls Nature Photography Pacific Northwest Oregon

Sahalie Falls Nature Photography Pacific Northwest Oregon

One thing you can be sure of, the Cascade Mountains are named Cascades for a reason.

Plenty of waterfalls!!

This is Sahalie Falls on the McKenzie River. These were taken last year when we crossed over the Cascade Mountains.

Usually a lot of people are at this spot, and this visit was no different!

With not much more having to be said here are some shots I got.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Conflict Within A Wildflower Insect Floral Photography

This conflict is between a metallic green bee, and a yellow jacket that happened pretty quickly.

It all started when we came upon these cool looking purple wildflowers on the high desert floor. Seams to me like some kind of thistle weed??

I noticed a pretty green metallic bee on one of them just doing what a metallic green bee dose! Then I noticed this yellow jacket on the other side of the stigma of the wildflower. Just did not appear to me that they were paying much attention to each other.

Until the yellow jacket came to the same side of the stigma! The yellow jacket stopped, then saw the metallic green bee!

That darn yellow jacket started to attack! You can see the yellow jacket biting the metallic green bee and the metallic green bee trying to get away!

The metallic green bees wings started flapping and finally flying away leaving the yellow jacket have its own way!!

Moral of this story is? Don't mess with the yellow jacket when you are a peaceful sort !!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hen and Chicks Flower Photography

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 018

These are the flowers to the succulent known as Hen and Chicks.
When this plant reaches maturity, these flowers are what is produced. It is said the plant then dies.
There is two different flowers here, on several plants.
I was outside when I had one of our elderly neighbors got my attention. She so dearly wanted photographs of her 5 year old Hen and Chicks plant.
Now really, how could I say no??
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 017
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 028
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 030
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 050
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 056
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 062
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 066
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 088
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Hen and Chicks Flower Photography &emdash; Hen and chicks 090


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fire That Was To Close For Comfort ,Oregon Photographs

mrsroadrunner A Wildlife,Nature Photographer,Oregon

Fire That Was To Close For Comfort ,Oregon Photographs

Living in Jefferson County Oregon one thing is true, we have fires.

We also have VERY good fire fighters here! Everyone gets in the act. Water is turned on, volunteers stop what they are doing and jump in their trucks and off they run to whatever fire happens to break out!

I have a healthy fear of fire. Nothing real bad, just a healthy fear.

Guy and I were hanging out after Guy got home from work and I was photographing frogs, butterflies, flowers. That natural evening sun is really nice for such things!

Guy pointed out the ploom of smoke, getting bigger and bigger.

I than took my eyes off what I was photographing and looked up to see what he was talking about.

Guy must of noticed I was worrying, for he said ok come on!! We jumped in the truck only to show me that this fire was not close to us.

Then of course down the road we went. Now, I do not give exact detail locations of where I photograph all the wildlife I get. These back roads and the dirt roads, canal roads etc.. are what we drive and I have walked MANY of them! These back roads are how we get to the canyon, so in other words our stomping grounds were on fire!

The fire was not as big as it looked, and information can be read here . Usually I do not photograph such things, but ....

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