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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Western Tanager Visiting The Garden

Western Tanager Visiting The Garden

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 560

Meet the Western Tanager! One of the more flashier birds who have visited us here in our part of the High Desert of Oregon.

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 549

Primarily a insect eater, this Western Tanager also likes the fruit, such as our raspberries! This Western Tanager is near our raspberries checking out the situation. Though one of the small ponds is right there as well, so perhaps this Western Tanager was thinking of getting a drink?

It can get rather hot here where we live, the ponds give all the birds a nice safe break from the heat!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 553

The first time I seen the Western Tanager was up in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness area just singing it's little heart out way up in the trees. It is nice to see them here at the house!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 564

When the Western Tanager shows up, you just can not mix them up with other birds and they are fun to watch! Even though this one was not in any way trusting of me, or the dogs. This tells me this Western Tanager bird was not around for very long, or seeing this was in July one of the wildfires made this Western Tanager come this way?

Typical birds who stay here any length of time do get used to the activities around here.

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 593

The colorful Western Tanager took flight and went to the fruit tree as you can see in the next two photographs.

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Western Tanager Visiting The Garden &emdash; western tanager bird 600

Keep a eye out for the visitors to your home, never know what is going to show up!

Thank you for coming by and checking out this visitor to our home!

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