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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

Mrsroadrunner Photography | Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

Meet this rather large Bumble Bee! I have spoken before of the bee's who spend time with us here at home, this is one pollinator who helps us in our garden. This series of photographs was captured on the soft pink multi peddled hollyhock flowers.

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

When this species first showed up in 2014, it was fist checking out place out. Was not so nice with trying to intimidate me with checking me out real close. Darting back and forth, just being a pain!! After some time and the others showed up then is when I was allowed these closer shots. I believe the bee's like anything else, gets used to a person. Plus there is no need to fight over anything here, we put in quite a few flowers.

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

I like all the bee's myself! Curtain times you can hear all the buzzing going on!! Specially when all the Lilacs start to bloom!!

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

I did try to get shots of "his", face. Sometimes you get what you can get and this bee was not going to allow me to many photographs of "his", face. I figure, "if I cant see you, you cant see me" is being applied?

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Bumble Bee in the High Desert of Oregon

I think this is a pretty bee myself.....

Below you will find the series of photographs of this Bumble Bee in video format if you would like to see all of them rather quickly. Or you can click on the photograph to see the whole series of still photography one at a time!

Thank you for coming by and checking out my photography I got in my garden! My other insect photography can be found in my insect photo album if you like to check those out.

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