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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Female Spotted Towhee in Her Natural Environment

Mrsroadrunner Photography | Female Spotted Towhee in Her Natural Environment

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Female Spotted Towhee &emdash; Female Sptted Towhee Bird  007

This is the natural environment for the Spotted Towhee. The species blends in very well to it's environment which is their way to survive.

We have been having the Spotted Towhee winter with us for several years. The flock tends to grow every year which is logical when finding the right environment why would they not come back bringing family and friends?

I have learned through out the winters of the Spotted Towhee showing up here at home is, they like it when we leave piles like the one she is standing in. Ya it does leave our small property looking uncared for, however I am more then happy to answer questions as to why I do this to those who just do not understand. Let me tell you people do not understand why I , or we do this!

The important thing here is, the birds do understand and like these piles ! That is why they are at my house and not say, at the neighbors house ha. Then of course I take their photograph and share them with you!

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Female Spotted Towhee &emdash; Female Sptted Towhee Bird  008

I admit I did not get to many useable photographs of her on this day back in January 2014. They are not a species you can just walk up to and ask to pose for a photograph. They are elusive , jumpy, unsociable , you get my drift. I really do not know where this flock we have show up here comes from? If it is even the same birds showing up year after year is questionable. However it is noted that these birds do live a long time for a bird what over 10 years was the oldest Spotted Towhee ever recorded. So their behavior works for them!

The males are the most flashy! I mentioned on twitter this as I was rambling about how folks like to photograph the flashy. Not all birds does this apply to but a good deal of birds the males are the flashy ones. If it were not for the females the males would not need to be flashy, or stand out. Therefor photographers are wanting to get the males as I have. However this Spotted Towhee was different and I like different!

I left these two photographs as is. Meaning I did not want to crop them etc... I wanted to show what the Spotted Towhee is attracted to. I have noticed the Spotted Towhee also likes our Lilac bushes / tree. We have over a dozen of them in which the Lilas have grown into what we like to call a privacy fence. Not really a fence of course. Within the Lilacs I have placed wintering boxes for the birds to hide in if it gets to cold for them as it tends to do here in the High Desert of Oregon as well as our ponds which one has raspberries growing all over it for cover, places to hide. This of course is in the no cat zone. Meaning the cat has been taught that this area is not for him to go bird hunting in. The birds have quickly learned this area is a safe place for them.

Thank you for coming by and hope you liked my little write up!

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