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Friday, February 27, 2015

Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon

Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower bloom 271

Meet the Marigold Flower! These photographs were taken on September 3 2014. There are several species of Marigold Flowers in this post.

This photograph above is of a large headed Marigold Flower that the plant itself grows along with the blooms a good three feet high or so. The circumference is somewhat impressive and they do stand out with the big blooms!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower bloom 305 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower bloom 286

These Marigolds are the short plants and smaller blooms. Typically these are the flower folks think of when they think of Marigolds. The frogs will settle themselves into these and wait for dinner to show up!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower bloom 316 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower bloom 322

These above are another type of larger Marigold flowers.

All the Marigold Flower Blooms attract so many small visitors! Good and bad! The smaller Marigold Flowers have a strong scent. A flower bed is just not a flower bed without the Marigold. At least the small variety!

Because of the pollinators they seed real well!! I am speaking with someone in Japan on twitter (@masmish), as I write this haha!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower blooms 273 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower blooms 289

Now the photographs above are two different species of Marigold. First the large headed, tall Marigold. Then we have the smaller , shorter Marigold Flowers.

The smaller species of Marigolds are commonly used as a "partner", flower. Planting Marigolds, shorter variety that have the strong scent next to another type of flower , the philosophy is that the bad bugs will go to the Marigold leaving the other flower alone, or the scent runs off insects. This is a wise tale that has been told for years and years! Does it work? Well, sure dose not hurt!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower blooms 297 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Marigold Flowers Blooming in Oregon &emdash; marigold flower blooms 314

I recall as a kid stopping to speak to another child we went to school with at his home. Being who I am I am not good at just doing one thing, and his mother had a bed of Marigold Flower so I would top them, take off the dead stuff, spread the seeds around. One day as I was speaking to the son of the house, the mother yelled at me to stop that!! Mind you she just did not know what I was doing and I did as I was told. Some time later she found out what I was doing, and how good her bed of Marigolds were doing haha! She said something to me and I expressed my love of flowers, gardening even at that age I new what made me happy.

Thank you for coming by and checking out the Marigold flower from last September! Keep in mind the hiker chat is going on in twitter today!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend

Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; Flicker woodpecker 024

Meet Rosie Cheeks the woodpecker that I talk about on twitter!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 027

Rosie Cheeks is the name I gave this wild Flicker Woodpecker for this woodpecker has already given me hours of entertainment. Keeping in mind naming wildlife is not the wisest thing for some day Rosie Cheeks for some reason will stop coming by everyday. Though I dont want to think about that!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 040

Notice the red cheek color, and the red on the tail feathers. This will be spoken about later on.

These photographs were taken in December 29, 2014 as it was snowing, and snow was on the ground. In these shots Rosie Cheeks is perched on the six foot high dog kennel we have. The background there is to our "NO CAT", zone and the wild birds do feel safe at this spot.

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 053

Rosie Cheeks is at the point "he", I call Rosie Cheeks a male for his color is bright however Rosie Cheeks has no way of communicating with me if he is a "he", or a "she". Rosie Cheeks appears young to me just because of his behavior. Rosie Cheeks is a fat bird as well! I have a feeling our bird feeders help with this body weight ? I also make sure the wild birds have fresh water in such weather and I do clean the bird feeders . Wildlife has a way of spreading "things", I just assume all the birds visiting us do not get.....

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 084

It appears Rosie Cheeks is going to take of flying right? No, not at this point. Rosie Cheeks is used to me and my camera, however just letting me know not to get to close!!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 004

Now for why I wanted you to pay attention to colors! This Woodpecker I do not know. Same snowy day in late December. Though this Flicker Woodpecker was not used to me, my camera or the feeder!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 005

Rosie Cheeks (above photographs), will come to this hanging feeder, or the flat feeder. Rosie Cheeks really dose not care! Rosie Cheeks will also not pay much attention to me, while this one was skittish. Notice how slim this Flicker Woodpecker is?

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 013 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 046

Notice the Yellow colors of the tail feathers? Rosie Cheeks has the red, this one has the Yellow. Yellow is also accented under the wings however those photographs really did not come out well enough to show you.... This Flicker Woodpecker with the yellow feathers was rather neat to see , and flashy!!

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 075

As this Yellow Flicker Woodpecker was at the feeder, Rosie Cheeks is up in the tree waiting "his", turn to feed. The two were not real interested in sharing. Another reason I feel Rosie Cheeks is young is how Rosie Cheeks backed way off to this yellow Flicker. Though this yellow Flicker Woodpecker could have been a older male, thus Rosie Cheeks backing off??

This Yellow Flicker Woodpecker did not stick around long. Not sure at this moment if it ever came back? Only way to know this is if I have photographs or not.... if no photographs I just cant remember.

Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 315 Mrsroadrunner Photography Wildlife Nature: Rosie Cheeks Woodpecker and Flicker Friend &emdash; flicker woodpecker 614

This is Rosie Cheeks up in the tree. The one photograph has a Ring Neck Dove in the background. Then Rosie Cheeks is flying off showing his red feathers, and white on his behind.

Rosie Cheeks is still coming by to this day. Predicting in another two hours Rosie Cheeks will start showing up the first time for this has been the woodpeckers routine. Rosie Cheeks shows up here quite a few times a day and I feel is wintering nearby somewhere? There is also a nest not far off a walk from home and Rosie Cheeks could be from that nest?? I did a photo shoot of the male and female Flicker Woodpeckers that were nesting, however I walked away due to the fact of freaking them out! I started feeling sorry for them for my intrusion.

Thank you for coming by and now if you seen the one photograph in twitter I have of Rosie Cheeks, you can see more photographs of the not so small woodpecker who shows up here at my home.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Recap of the Seed and Insect Eating Birds

Recap of the Seed and Insect Eating Birds

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Rufous Hummingbird &emdash; Hummingbird Taking A Rest

This post is going to be a little different then what I usually do, why? Just because! This is going to be a recap of the blog posts with photographs of the Birds who are primarily seed and insect eaters. Keep in mind I have been doing this since 2010! In that time I had a host shut down, close their doors, so I took a break from doing this for I was not sure what I was going to do? I have not gotten all the old post at this spot (mrsroadrunner.com).... not sure I will?

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Male Red House Finch Feeding Mate

Male Red House Finch Feeding Mate

"Up in the apple tree, as snow is on the ground here in the high desert of Oregon, we see this."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Black-headed Grosbeak

Black-headed Grosbeak by Coralie

"The Black-headed Grosbeak is the monarch butterflies worst enemy!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Young White-Crowned Sparrow

Young White-Crowned Sparrow Winter Behavior

"This is a young White-Crowned Sparrow. This species of sparrow winter here in our part of the high desert with us."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Yellow-Rumped Warbler Bird

"This Warbler stopped in to check out what was here to eat and to get a drink."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Brewer's Blackbird

The Tale Of The Bread Thief

"As I was sitting in my spot watching the birds,butterflies,bees just enjoying the nice weather we have here in the High Desert"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Spent Some time with this hummingbird &emdash; hummingbird in our zinnia flowers

Spent Some time with this hummingbird

"Thought I would spend a little time with this hummingbird on this day.

Showing up with his/her click click lets me know this one or the others are around. Typically in the apple tree and coming out during the day. Fortunately for me, they all get hungry about the time I am outside doing my chores then doing my photography!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Mountain Bluebird &emdash; Mountain BlueBird 566

Mountain Bluebird Encounter Oregon Bird Watching By Coralie

"We went to a marsh Sunday where I found this Mountain Bluebird.

The bird was acting rather funny, when seeing the Northern Harrier I instantly understood! "

Mrsroadrunner Photography: hummingbird on the honeysuckle &emdash; hummingbird on the honeysuckle 255

Hummingbird On The Honeysuckle

"Honeysuckle is very popular with the hummingbirds!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Red-breasted Nuthatch &emdash; Red-breasted Nuthatch bird 024

Red-breasted Nuthatch by Coralie

"We had yet another visitor to the garden just the other day!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Ruby-crowned Kinglet Washing Himself &emdash; Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet Washing Himself

"Folks who keep up with my photography know home is where the heart is and I spend a lot of my time just watching the visitors show up."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Downy Woodpecker Catching a Meal &emdash; Downy Woodpecker bird 271

Downy Woodpecker Catching a Meal

"Meet the Downy Woodpecker. The smallest woodpecker in North America."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: 2 birds seeds and insect eaters &emdash; Golden-Crowned Sparrow

The Golden-Crowned Sparrow in Need

"This is the Golden-Crowned Sparrow. Biggest sparrow we have here and we have big flocks of them at times here at the house. Beautiful song comes from these song birds!!

The Golden-Crowned Sparrows are also a smart species, like all sparrows I guess? Seen at bird feeders, or gardens looking for that something to eat as the one in the photograph is doing at one of our little ponds. I watch these sparrows quite a lot for they are one of the common birds here at the house."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: White Crowned Sparrow Bird &emdash; White Crowed Sparrow Bird 022

White Crowned Sparrow Visiting The Garden

"The White Crowned Sparrow can be found for some time here in our gardens and our wild bird area."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: hummingbird and the foxglove flower bloom &emdash; hummingbird and the foxglve flower bloom 213

hummingbird and the foxglove flower bloom

"Some shots I caught of this hummingbird feeding on the foxglove flowers!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Female Spotted Towhee &emdash; Female Sptted Towhee Bird  007

Female Spotted Towhee in Her Natural Environment

"This is the natural environment for the Spotted Towhee. The species blends in very well to it's environment which is their way to survive."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Northern Shrike &emdash; Northern Shrike Bird 047

Northern Shrike High Desert of Oregon

"This Northern Shrike was photographed on one of my walks here in our rural town back in January of 2014, High Desert of Oregon"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Hanging Out With A Ruby-crowned Kinglet &emdash; Ruby-crowned Kinglet bird 122

Hanging Out With A Ruby-crowned Kinglet

"This is the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Very small and quick bird!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: White Crowned Sparrows of the High Desert &emdash; White and yellow crowned sparrows 008

White Crowned Sparrows Wintering in the High Desert

"These are the White Crowned Sparrows that winter with us here in our part of the High Desert of Oregon."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Lewis's Woodpecker &emdash; Lewis�s Woodpecker On Fence Post

Lewis Woodpecker of The High Desert of Oregon

"This is the Lewis's Woodpecker I photographed here in our part of Oregon perched on a old fencepost."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: American Dipper &emdash; American Dipper 2042

American Dipper or Water Ouzel by Coralie

"The Dipper is a great bird to find around unpolluted fast moving waters. I happened to catch this one along the Metolius River."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; chickadee bird

Mountain Chickadee

"Meet the Mountain Chickadee! Unlike the other chickadee bird species this one has white stripes upon its small head."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: European Starling of the High Desert &emdash; European Starling of the High Desert

European Starling of the High Desert

"Meet one of the most hated birds in our area, the European Starling, or just plain old Common Starling."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Harris's Sparrow Bird in The High Desert of Oregon &emdash; Harris's Sparrow  Bird 009

Harris's Sparrow Bird in The High Desert of Oregon

"I want to introduce you to a new bird, for me as well! Meet the Harris's Sparrow!"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Junco Bird in White &emdash; jinco bird in white 657

Junco Bird in White

"Meet the Junco Bird who spends time here at the house."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Flying Western Meadowlark &emdash; western meadowlark flying 021

Flying Western Meadowlark

"Meet the Western Meadowlark."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Pheasant At My Garden &emdash; Pheasant bird

Pheasant At My Garden

"Meet the Pheasant, a common game bird who is found in Oregon as well as many states here in the USA."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Cedar Waxwing bird &emdash; Cedar Waxwing bird

Cedar Waxwing Bird in the High Desert

"Meet the Cedar Waxwing! A very pretty bird in my opinion and when a flock of these fruit loving birds show up they have a very distinctive call! They sometimes arrive in good sized flocks of a dozen or more to the fruit trees! The Cedar Waxwings seam to like our honeysuckle we grow here as well."

Mrsroadrunner Photography: robin bird fledgeling &emdash; robin bird fledgeling 152

Robin Bird Fledgeling

"Meet this baby Robin Bird! I have several posts about different Robin bird fledgelings that are waiting for their meal"

Mrsroadrunner Photography: Spotted Towhee In The High Desert &emdash; spotted towhee bird 291

Spotted Towhee In The High Desert

"Meet the Spotted Towhee! The Spotted Towhee has been a constant resident here in our garden in winter clear into spring!"

This all for now! I still feel as if I missed some posts.... however as I said I have been doing this for a while (where has the time gone?). Keep in mind, all my posts are my observations and photographs. I am a HUGE believer in thinking for yourself. Researching yourself! I am only human and do make mistakes, really haha!

I am thrilled when folks link to my blog, photographs etc.! Doing this for a while now, I have seen folks come and go... some days coming up with something to write about is a interesting process! I thank you for coming by and checking this out!


PS now that I looked this over I know I missed some posts.... oh well hope you enjoyed this recap!