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Monday, December 12, 2011

Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 10

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 160

Nature is a wondrous thing. At times doing things that frankly, amazes us!

The selenelion effect made these photographs come out rather neat looking, only with some cropping done. This selenelion effect is when both the eclipsed moon and the sun can be seen at the same time. Of course I get what I am given and these photographs are what I got. A well known fact is, I dont do night time photography.
It was so cold Saturday morning here in Jefferson County Oregon!!
Without much more talking, here are my photographs from the Lunar Eclipse here in Central Oregon.

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 064

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 042

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 031

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 039

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 141

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 125

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 148

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 131

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 187

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 371

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Lunar Eclipse &emdash; moon eclips 160

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gray Jay Bicolored Ochoco Mountains Oregon

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored

While deep in the Ochoco Mountains we ran across a nice flowing creek.
I love running water and just had to stop!!

Upon inspection of where we were it was obvious this spot had been used as a hunting camp. The legs of the elk and the "meat hangers" (we laughed for I am sure there is a real name for them ha) , that were nailed to the trees. The feathers laying around looked as if maybe a turkey was in the mix with the elk? Even a spot for a bathroom. Gave us this impression.
Guy wondered further down the creek then I for things happen to catch my eye. So I was wondering around on my own taking shots of the ice that was found where the water was not running fast.
As I was doing my thing I heard some racket that was obviously coming from the trees and from birds.
As you can imagine wild creatures do not just sit still so one can snap off photographs, so off I went to get this loud birds photographs! There were at least 3 of these birds, however non of them were all that impressed with any of us there! From the information I gathered of this bird, these must of been truly wild Gray Jays!! Not yet ingrained with human presents.
I first thought this was a nutcracker. We have many of those around so it seams. Same family as these Gray Jays, but so is the steller's jay,blue jay and the western scrub jay , the crows, the ravens there is a lot of species in the Corvidae family!! From the sub species of the Gray Jay and getting these photographs in the Ochoco mountains this determined these to be the Bicolored Gray Jay.
One thing all these birds have in common is, they are very smart!! Smarter then humans give them credit for! Over the Cascade Mountains  there is yet another sub species of the Gray Jay over there with different needs and habits. That Gray Jay does not like snow, the ones here better like snow!
Like all birds of the Corvidae family, they are pretty much scavengers, however it appears all the species of the Gray Jay have different food scavenger habits I guess is the way to say it?
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored
I thought it interesting when I read they can remember where they stored food under as much as 3' of snow! Shoot that would be hard for most humans to remember! I also read where this Gray Jay will also make their nest on the south western part of a tree for the solar warmth. Is that cool or what?? We can learn a thing or two from nature hu?
Like several other species of bird a slang name for these is camp robbers too. I have a problem with people feeding wildlife in this manor. One thing is, if one is camping that person is not at home. I read where a female Gray Jay (maybe other kinds of camp robbers as well?), will actually leave her nest and leave the brood unprotected to go and get food from humans.
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored
I wonder how these so called wildlife "lovers", would feel if they new they were the cause of a brood being killed just because they thought it cute or whatever that a so called wild bird is landing on them etc.. for food? Makes one wonder hu??
These Gray Jays did not want anything to do with me, or Guy or the dogs. So from what I read these individual birds were not "trained", or learned this behavior of humans being a food source. So frankly, if any one of these birds tried landing or whatever on me they would have the dogs to content with, if of course I  did not call them off or Guy get a hold of them before they got to the bird. This makes me wonder if this too would be the fault of the campers, hikers etc.. who trained such a bird to think humans were a food source?
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored

Any way you think of this, there are birds at home you can feed from the bird feeder. No need to feed wildlife while hiking and camping. You are not doing the wildlife any favors and in fact maybe the one to cause the death of such a creature.
I did notice this one I have most of the photographs of was keeping a good eye on me. Screaming as well. Hopping from limb to limb which made photographs entertaining! I like a good challenge!!
In one of the flying photographs you can see some tree in its beak, the bird dropped this. Seeing the trees which grow in the Ochoco Mountains are a major food source. As well as small rodents, parts of fresh kills of bigger game, insects and it sounds like a typical scavenger with a very good memory of where it hides its food for the winter months!
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored

Reading of the family dynamics of this Gray Jay was quite interesting as well! Having one of the young stay to help out, while the others are ran off. I read where t his one that stays is usually a male. Sound familiar within human history??
I tried to get a flying shot of the back of one of the birds feathers, however I take what I can get! The front shot the bird was trying to land on a branch that was not going to hold his weight.
Thank you like always for coming by!!
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Birds Seed and Insect Eaters &emdash; Gray Jay Bicolored
This post is a free ebook !

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon

As morning was breaking high up in the Ochoco Mountains we came across this herd of Antelope.
Of course I always look for the buck. Not just because of being charged at rutting time, but it is just good sense too.
I try and center him in a photo when I find him. He has the all black face with the large black horns.
I do get a kick out of seeing the herds for the young can then be seen. The young look just like their parents, just small is all!!
This herd was a pretty big one to our standards. 80 to a 100 head. Dont believe it went over 100 head. Guy tried counting as I was out doing my thing.
As you can see many of them are curious as to what was going on! My camera is supposed to be noisy, however I have not had problems with my Canon and the noise and hindering what I do. Actually, it is the opposite!! The dogs are loud. Therefor the camera gets the wildlifes attention off the dogs and to me. You can see by some of the photographs that some of the antelope are looking in the direction of the dogs, while others are looking at me. I like them looking at me, and my camera!
The buck did not want anything to do with me or the dogs! Two of the shots he is with his head down grazing with one of his many females. Almost as if he was hiding those horns of his, since really he is the one folks want to shoot at. If he hides his face, then we do not know he is a male right??
I get a kick out of the wildlife, well critters in general. If they can not see us, we must not see them right? HAHA
Soon the herd had enough of my antics and started running off. They are quick, even the young are quick! Soon, they were out of range, leaping over sage brush , running through the prairie of the Ochoco Mountains.

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Wildlife &emdash; Antelope Herd Ochoco Mountains Oregon

This post is available as a free ebook !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Karner Blue Butterfly Nature Photography

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Downloadable Images for your web site,article or social media &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly Melissa blue butterfly

One thing to be assured of here in Oregon is, never know what you are going to see here!

I noticed this blue butterfly fluttering around, then oh my I noticed a whole lot more! I paid attention for these photographs to just one.

The site of so much blue was quite pretty. Sure the wild Lupine flowers are blue, but these were flying!!

So, what is a person who is armed with their trusty camera to do? Take photographs of course!

Update at the bottom of the post.


Since 1992 the Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis, the Melissa blue for short), has been listed as a endangered species. Why? Because the larvae and/or caterpillars only feed on the wild lupine. I even read where they will not venture more then 600 feet from their hatching spot! The adults will feed on other things, but their offspring cant.


Here in Central Oregon we have a lot of wild lupine!! We even grow the wild and the subspecies in our garden here at home.

With the wild Lupine disappearing in many areas, sorry to say so is the Karner Blue Butterfly. I found absolutely no information on the web about how these species is doing here in Oregon. Though I had read where scientists are breeding them and releasing them into the wild to reestablish themselves.

In this spot where we found MANY of these (well many, we are talking 20+ Karner Blue Butterflies). The hatching spot must be close by and this is one of the times of the year that they hatch. having two hatching's a year.


It is safe to say, at least in our part of Oregon the Karner Blue Butterfly has started breeding in the wild just fine. Or lets just hope this is not a rare sighting and will be seeing more and more of these butterflies in years to come!!

I did find several videos on youtube and here is a link to one on youtube.


The hardest part to doing these posts are limiting the photographs posted. We may go back to this spot in the national grassland this weekend, who knows?

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly Melissa blue butterfly 312
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; karner blue butterfly
(Update, this shot above is diferent then the rest for I noticed a duplicate so added this shot).

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Butterflies and Moths of Oregon &emdash; Karner Blue Butterfly
Congratulations! Your submission to Living Beyond Pain entitled “Karner Blue Butterfly” has been selected to be part of the Living Beyond Pain Gallery Exhibit being featured at PAINWeek 2011, being held September 7 – 10, 2011, at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. PAINWeek is the nation’s largest conference on pain for frontline healthcare practitioners, and you may learn more about the conference by visiting www.painweek.org. - This is a huge honor and I am grateful to Living Beyond Pain , Coralie
This post is now available as a free ebook !

Western Sulphur Butterfly Nature Photos

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 287

When I seen all the activity going on on a thistle flower, well I had to get the action with my camera!
Thistle is a great attraction to all sorts of nectar eating bugs, butterflies are no different!
Some of these photographs are very busy, it was a active place!

This species of butterfly is the Western Sulphur Butterfly. Several butterflies are in this post at different stages of activity of living.

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 270

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 280

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 276

Along with bumble bees and some skipper butterflies.

The Western Sulphur Butterfly is quite common in our area of Central Oregon.

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 051

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 130

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 140

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 173

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 202

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 400

Coralie aka Mrsroadrunner: Western Sulphur Butterfly &emdash; Western sulphur butterfly 473

I did find this youtube video that is pretty amazing !!
This is now a free ebook !
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August 30, 2011 at  1:31 PM